Morning everyone ☕️,
Here are a few yearend reminders:
If you have other suggestions or questions please share.
• Review health insurance and update look at all updates need to be done before January 15th.
• Download save/print logbook
• Call tax preparer ask what changes you need to be aware of
• Review all weekly settlements download save / print
• Reconcile all bank accounts
• Review insurance policies and update values, include your disability , health, life, homeowners, equipment and all vehicles.
Consider contacting other insurance providers for prices.
( be certain to use the same deductible)
• Review warranties
• Prepare to fill out your Balance Sheet (know your networth)
• Review your credit scores. If a Sub S Corp your company may have a score and it is done differently than your personal score.
• Copy or scan register receipts and save, theee fade out and will be lost.
• Record the odometer on all your vehicles truck and personal you will need Business miles you use your personal vehicle for. Suggest you keep a record of the trips in a notebook, there are some apps also.
• If your an independent operating under your own MC #? Review your “Safer scores”