Time for thinking 🤔 ☕️ this morning,
”? Have you ever felt like the spot market is where freight goes to die? “
Somedays it’s like the wild west of pricing quick to the draw for the right load and you are a winner winner Chicken Dinner! That’s an expedite high value to meet service needed right now by the customer. Simply because there was a service failure caused by something and the reasons could be anything.
But the trucker may have the oppertunity to become a super hero. (For a day) And then the next time the truck owner calls or searches the load boards it feels like it’s the end times. Will there ever be another load worth hauling ever again!
The truck owner calls the customers and brokers and is met with disinterest. These are behaviors, that drive, a wedge between parties that should be partners in business not adversaries.
Become a "Why's Guy"
Take time for what I call those 5 minute reads. Ask a lotta questions! Ask a lotta why not questions no matter how long we’ve been in business. Every once in a while, we need to review and re-boot our knowledge and this is become more important with the pace that technology and AI is reinventing logistics Managment.
It’s never a good idea to assume what was will continue to be as and it looks like somedays even the tech companies can’t keep up. As currently "The Players" in the Networks seem to be in a bit of a defensive position trying to their public relations. control fraud and double brokerage schemes. This should be of concerned with the potental of greater regulation, oversight and higher administrative cost for risk Managment.
My suggestion to all parties involved in truck freight movement transactions is one that I know will take more manpower and a bit of time.
But that simple phone call or more direct communication to colaberate with the people on the front lines in the long run is still very hard to beat.
First determine what you need for security and safety for everyone. Then agree how to best communicate 1st with the weakest link.
It seems to me this is a part of the problem and leading to breakdowns in the information chain of command.
Somebody better start leading!
Who's gonna be the leader? I don't know but somebody better start leading!
One system may not work for everyone but if you take just a little time. Ask a few questions I think people can come to and agreement clearly how the communication needs to be handled. And educate the truckers on why this is valuable for their business future.
Have a good week and don't let that load die siting on someone's dock.